

Goals and Objectives




Teaching Committee


Future Outlook

  Ta Hwa University of Science and Technology
  Department of Industrial Engineering Management  


The objectives of our designed courses are to teach both elementary and advanced subjects on theoretical as well as applied areas. At the same time, the curriculum is adjusted to cope with governmental policy and to deal with up-to-date changes of the industrial environment. To meet the present developing trend of industrial automation and computerization, three major goals have been decided based upon the faculty, facilities, and studentsˇ¦ background:
  1. To fulfill practical teaching and train students to have the ability to solve real life problems in terms of quality and productivity improvement, etc.
  2. To emphasize the application of computer in I.E. and cultivate the competent people in the field of management computerization.
  3. To cultivate the experienced and technical specialists who can integrate and analyze the system of production and management, materials management and quality management.